114 Old Stage Rd • East Brunswick, NJ 08816

(732) 251-3221

Twos Program

Twos learn best through interaction with their physical and social environment. Play and learning center time offers opportunities for the child to have choices and some control over their environment. However, there are structured times of the day that are teacher-directed. Additionally, we work on listening skills, following directions, and stretching their attention span.

Language and Literacy:

Reading books is very important for the development of vocabulary and critical thinking.
We use puppets and felt boards to encourage participation and manipulation of story character props.
Cognitive Development:

Cognitive Development:

  • We engage them in matching/sorting activities to help them understand relationships between objects.
  • We ask open ended questions to promote higher level thinking.
  • There are opportunities for pretend play during music and movement/creative dramatics.


  • We use math words such as more and less, inside and outside, full and empty.
  • We sort shapes and sizes and complete puzzles.
  • The sensory table is used to understand quantity and volume. The children use various items for counters, promoting critical thinking.


  • The outdoor environment is a rich area for scientific exploration and discovery: leaves come in different shapes and change color, rocks become a darker color when wet, etc.
  • They will experiment with volume through water and sand play at the sensory table.
  • They will engage in cooking activities.

Creative Expression/Art/Music

  • We use different media and focus on the process of creating art, rather than the final product.
  • They are gaining control over their voices and love singing the refrains of their favorite songs.
  • Music provides opportunity for pretending, for following directions, and movement.
  • Musical instruments help in the development of rhythm.

Social Studies

  • We will have discussions of how children fit into the environment around them: their homes and neighborhood.
  • Different aspects of our neighborhood and what it offers are discussed. We talk to the children about the ways they can contribute towards it.

Fine and Large Motor Development

  • Outdoor activities, music/movement, obstacle courses, etc. are provided to develop these areas.
  • Stability skills are developed on our balance beam.
  • Art, mastering manipulative toys, lacing, drawing will also help with fine motor coordination.